Shabby Shablon

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Long-awaited ;)

Hi gals! How have you been? Remember I told you that finally I got my long-awaited MSW prizes? Yeah I've been waiting for them for ages, but I'm still glad they did come. You may know parcels move very slowly within Russian Federation. This one came in the end of December.

Today's post isn't shabby but it's really interesting.
Are you excited? ^^
A bit distorted image of my congratulation card.

First thing I faced was air bubble film with extremely huge bubbles. I've never seen this before! And you?

One more card. How did they know that the parcel would come to New Year?

Yeah, I have very old and shabby wallpapers :D
Do you resognize the dolls? They are real-life prototypes of these dolls from Stardoll by Barbie collection:

Fallen Angel & Bonjour Bizou dolls

I must say that the real-life dolls look much prettier than their Stardoll copies on. ^^

I love their hair! *-*

Let's give them names ^^ may be Sophie and Andrea? Haha :D

Also in each box there were a Gift Card with 100 SD and a 1 week membership. I haven't used it yet although. ^^

What is the most expected part os this post? Right, tiara! Here it is:

I love it! The rhinestones look like real diamonds! So naturally, so damn beautiful. ;)

And here's Stardoll virtual version, a bit mperfect. ;(

Also I found a little cute (but empty) purse in the parcel. I don't know for what this was made, but I'll use it for keeping some of my jewelry. ^^

Well, there was nothing else in the parcel, but I'm satisfied. ^^ This was a lovely gift for a New Year.

Flowery bye! 


  1. Yay first comment
    Wow those are soo cool
    Please visit me I'm lisa7835

  2. How exiting! I think Stardoll should have been more generous with your prizes though, you deserve more. :) Oh and I thought SD offered a MSW sash plus trading cards as part of the gifts? Correct me if I am wrong... Can't wait for MSW 2013! SD better step up their game (and prizes!) Will you be running again for the big crown,next year Kusja?

    1. Oh yeah, they told something about trading cards etc., but there were only what I captured for this blog... I'm not sure about MSW-2013, guess this was my triumph and now I should give place to another girl. ^^ And I was so tired about the contest... I just don't want to partake. But time will show. ^^

  3. Wow great gifts! But to come 3rd in MSW is a really hard achievement and the amount of membership you have spent you would think they would send a little more. But the bragging rights are proabably the best prize of all haha :D

    1. ^^ that was enough for me I guess ;D I redeemed the cards for my another doll. She's happy :D

  4. Hi Veronica, I hope that you will accept my request soon.
    Anyways, these gifts are really cool & the tiara looks much better in real life. Congratulations to you and Have a great week. I was wondering if you could make a post about how did you achieve the feat of getting the 3rd position in MSW, what exactly did you do and how and some tips for dollies like me.
    I would really be gratified if you do so.

    1. Great idea, dear. ^^
      But I think this is not relevant at the moment. Let's wait till the next MSW and I'll tell you a story before it starts. ^^

    2. Oh and thanks for reminding me, I'll accept you asap. ^^

  5. Очень милые подарки :) Но я бы больше обрадовалась, если бы куклы были винтажные. Очень их люблю, коллекционировала даже одно время. Хотя это чисто субъективная точка зрения) А вот диадема действительно восхитительная))Искренне поздравляю и надеюсь увидеть вас в числе участниц в следующем году!

    1. Я тоже пожалела о том, что куклы не винтажные... Эх... Но, в любом случае, можно ведь сшить им старинную одежку.) Мордашки у них довольно милые.))
      Спасибо, но я не очень хочу участвовать в этом году.)))
      Если выберут, то пожалуйста, а сама - неее...

    2. Согласна, можно сшить все, что угодно))Было бы желание и фантазия. В детстве очень увлекалась бумажными куклами с одежкой. Вы не рисовали таких? Я вообще не хочу участвовать ни в этом ни в любом другом году)

  6. Wow!Lovely gifts!I love the hair of the dolls,haha!:D Wow!:D but didn't you deserve so much more?You spent thousands on your suite,doll,and wow,I remember your designs you made with hair!;D They should have given you atleast 500sd each!:P
    Warm regards,
    Angeldog2 a.k.a. Sonia..;)

    1. Haha, that was a gift from Barbie, not from Stardoll ;)
      And they put into their boxes only one gift with 100 sd, doesn't matter if you are a MSW winner or an ordinary consumer.
      Thank you dear, have a good day!

  7. Охохо, славные подарочки)
    Теперь у тебя есть тиара, как у настоящей принцессы))
    Одной детской мечтой меньше?

  8. Ooh I've just found this and wow I loved the detailed pictures ^-^ That is a beautiful tiara! I wonder if the pretty embroidered bag came to keep the tiara safe, but whichever the case it's very pretty on its own too. I'm glad I found this post and blog, I'm a curious person hehe ^.^
    By the way, I love shabby-chic too <3

  9. Hi add me I'm icyflower4, also how did you win msw it is like the BIGGEST dream for any stardoll did you know you lived lots of peoples dreams? Can you help me when it's msw 2013? Cause I was so close in 2012 i was a finalist! Well in the Usa but no matter. See you in 2013 msw!

  10. I mean semi-finalist. -icyflower4


Thoughts? ^^