Shabby Shablon

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Outfit: have you dreamed to be a ballerina?

Hi gals! I know you see my posts very rarely, but I promise I'll fix myself. Just too much work these days. ^^
Well my story begins with returning to my native town again. I thought that it would take a couple of days, but circumstances made me stay here for few days more. That means I'm not on Stardoll, or I am, but really rarely.
Model: Malene_Kjelland
Few days ago I met Claudia, my childhood friend. We haven't been hanging out with each other for 5 years, since I live in the other city. I was so happy to see her again so we couldn't stop talking and laughing till the end of the day.
Claudia is a ballerina, her childhood dream came true, but that's not about me ;D
I remember when - twelve or maybe fifteen years ago - we both dreamed to become ballerinas. We wrapped tulles around our waists and walked on tiptoes, that looked really funny ;D
When I visited Claudia yesterday, she gave me her ballerina dress to try on... It was like I return back to nineties, to my childhood... Wonderful minutes!

Pay attention to the cat shoes, I used the black pair, but you won't see them on Stardoll, where there are only the blue ones.

I've set a goal to buy them when I see them in shops. Anyway I can't wear them until it's not summer. ;D

Gals, why do you always set your feet in this position? -_-

What do you think about this cute shoes? Will you buy them on Stardoll or real life? I'm sure they deserve to be in your closet. ^^

See you later, gals! The posts will be published more often starting from next Monday!

Flowery bye! ^^


  1. Awesome! The outfit is very cute :)
    I love the cat shoes ♥

    My doll: RubyCuteRuby

  2. Ох, наверное, каждая девочка мечтала стать балериной)
    Но, увы, не всем мечтам суждено исполниться....

    я имею пару черных балеток от Charlotte Olympia, это одни из самых любимых туфелек в моем гардеробе.
    Отличный пост, мадам В.))

    с пожеланиями удачи, Нина ака yaota )))

    1. О, спасибо, я как раз забыла вписать название бренда.)
      А у нас не продают их, вернее, не видела, так что завидую)) Придется через веб заказывать... ох.

      Спасибо за пожелания, отвечаю взаимностью, мадам Н.)

  3. I love the outfit :)
    I also love the cat shoes. I have a pair myself (in real life).

    1. That's cool! I wish I had them, just can't find them in shops in the city I live ;(
      Which color you have? :)

  4. Балет - нескончаемая работа над собой в попытках приблизиться к идеалу. Частично это объясняет почему не все становятся артистами балета.
    А туфли действительно милые, возможно стоит купить их. Charlotte Olympia знает что нужно девушке для счастья ;)

  5. Wow your graphics skills are amazing!

  6. hi kusja can you tell me how to show your suite in your blog.. i hope you reply cozi need that alot for my blog..
    thnx if you reply.. my stardoll name is anamceleb

  7. Вероника, дорогая, твои рисунки прекрасны, ждем следующих постов ^-^
    Хочу такие туфельки! *w*

  8. Je souhaiterai que tu me fasse un visage de ma doll ( chatonsclara )
    sur une de mes photos à ce lien :
    et que tu mettes ma doll à la place de mon visage ^^


Thoughts? ^^