Shabby Shablon

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Decorating ideas: floral stairs

How have you been gals? I know you've been waiting for a new entry, but please take my apologies. These days I've been kinda exhausted with my job. In addition I got my main computer broken what means I'm not able to make graphics! Well I hope the repair won't take a lot of time. Yet you still can enjoy some new pretties. ;)

Well you may already have seen my new Christmas room, right? ;) This entry will be about floral stairs which you can see in the right corner of the room.

I must say that I am in love with this kind of decor! Here I am sharing the how-to tips with you.
To have 5 staircase steps with railing, you need this equipment:

  1. Basic wall white from BASIC DECOR (100 SC), 9 items.
  2. Beauty box from GLAMOUR (3 SD), 5 items.
  3. Jungle swing from GOLDEN SANDS (65 SC), as many as you need I bought 9 items.
  4. Bronze tiki torch or Wooden tiki torch from GOLDEN SANDS (18-20 SD) or smth like that...
Go to your suite and scale to max five of walls like that:

And the rest four of them rotate and scale like that:

The boxes must be rotated by 180°.

NB. To rotate items more precisely, hold on the Shift key while rotating them.

Next step. Place the vertical wall upon one of the boxes:

Then place the horizontal wall upon the construction:

Here's the second box:

And then place other walls in the same order.

Finally you should get something like that:

Yeah there is some strange shadow play, but it still looks quite stylish, doesn't it? ;)
Well okay we made staircase, now we need to make a railing. I used this torch, but you know I was just too lazy to find more appropriate one. Here are the torch and the swings I found in the suite shop. I guess they  perfectly fit in!

Now do like me. I can't explain what I did (sorry for my poor English), just look at the picture and I hope you'll understand what I mean:

Don't forget to hide all the ends!
You can use any wallpapers, just put them right after the vertical walls, under the boxes:

Yay it looks soo sweet! ^^
Final price of the decoration: 1485 SC and 33-35 SD. Yet it's not cheap, but it's worth it!

At last here's some yummy pictures of floral staircases in real life:

I wish I had THIS in my flat, but there is no opportunity since I have only one floor... ;D

Well that's all, I know you enjoyed the entry, so stay tuned for more pretty things!

Flowery bye!

PS. By the way I turned on some cool features in my blog! First, now you can rate my entries. ^^
And secondly from today you can give me ideas or requests for new entries! Just visit my page Shabbystardoll at and ask about anything pretty!

Listen or download Pur:Pur Flowers for free on Prostopleer


  1. pretty indeed ♥ thanks for sharing it!

  2. Wow! It's wonderful! I love it!*O*

  3. So beautiful *.* I'm going to try it in my suite ;)

    1. Sure try it and let me know how it looks like ;)

  4. I just wonder how much precision and time those designs take... I adore your style,your doll is my inspiration.Are you looking for writers?I`d love to write for this beautiful blog :)

    1. Not much time ^^
      Thank you for compliments!
      I didn't think about writers, but if I need I'll tell you, for sure! Thanks for the offer! ;)

  5. Cool thanks for showing us that
    Please vist me I'm lisa7835

  6. Thanks for sharing!! I'll try it in my suite :)

    1. Hi!!

      I hope that you visit my suite. I did the floral stairs in my alpine chalet, thank you for the advice!
      You are an inspiration to me!


  7. hard to get right visit me billymydog


Thoughts? ^^